Tips for More Cost-Effective Direct Mail

You know direct mail works and has worked for decades. But now the question is: How can you save money on mailing your next project?

Here are some tips to make it more cost-effective to mail.

First, make sure you don’t have duplicate or wrong addresses. Scrub lists on import for invalid addresses, zip codes, and state codes. Next, run every mailing through the CASS™ program and NCOALink database from the United States Postal Service.

Mail advertising boasts a much higher response rate than social media, email marketing, and other digital channels. It’s also more memorable and, in some cases, beautiful enough to make people keep it for decades. Think of an old holiday postcard that was saved.

Direct mail might seem expensive, but it’s worth it.

Here are some things to consider when creating a direct mail piece. You can do some of these things in-house, while others will need professionals to care for them.

  • Design services
  • Copywriting cost
  • Size and volume of a mail piece
  • Mailing list volume
  • List selection (purchased from third parties or custom-built)
  • Printing quality (paper, ink, equipment, etc.)
  • Personalization
  • Chosen mail postage rate (standard and first-class mailing costs significantly differ.)
  • Before you buy or rent a list, consider using free lists. Then, if you have a digital platform, use the lists from this to start your direct mail campaign.

Finally, try tracking your success by using specific URLs or coupons.

5 Ways to Make Your Direct Mail Lists Deliver

1. Determine demographics.

Lists determined by geography and demographics are typically less expensive than those that break it down to interests and hobbies.

2. Plan ahead.

Give yourself time to edit. For example, mistakes might mean you have to send out two copies to customers instead of just one. This, of course, raises your cost to mail.

3. Clear messaging.

Reduce brand confusion by keeping your marketing message clear and consistent. For example, suppose you have two different looks and statements online and offline. In that case, people get frustrated, and you could lose business, which wastes money.

4. Choose your paper wisely.

By using thinner paper and smaller sizes, you can save money. But make sure you aren’t sacrificing your standard. For example, if people have a particular image of your company, keep it consistent.

Maybe you need a thicker postcard or larger envelope to make a statement about the quality.  

5. Allow people to unsubscribe.

Even though you want people to receive your mail, cutting out those who don’t want your marketing will save you time and money.

There are several ways to save money on direct mail. Reach out today to learn more!

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